

 Joe Brown 1st hour

It is the night before the big wedding, and I am shivering with fear. I am a single mother of triplets, and tomorrow I am making a big commitment. My husband had died in a car crash six months ago; after that I met Harry. Harry and I met at the nearest Circle K where he bought me a drink. We then traveled to his house and played cards with my three daughters, Harry, his son, and I. My daughters enjoyed spending time with Harry, and told me that their dad would not mind if we dated. Taking their advice, I commented to Harry that I would enjoy a date, so the next night the entire family drove to the movies, and saw the movie, Smurfs. I think my daughters enjoyed the date more then I did. On the drive home, he proposed. I froze up. What should I say? I heard a voice say yes, so I blurted out, “YES!” The next four months flew by faster than a car on wheels, and it is already the night before the wedding and I will be marring the guy I have only known four months? I am starting to regret the decision of marring Harry. Why did I say yes…? Did I say it because my kids were there?
It’s the morning of the big day, and I have a funny feeling in my right arm. I notice a little bump coming out my skin. Is that a mosquito bite? I feel lightheaded, so I decide to relax and close my eyes. In the afternoon, after my nap, I realized another right arm. Now I have three arms? I screamed, “OH MY GOODNESS!” Now two bad things have occurred, and now I definitely don’t want to get married. I call Harry to tell him the wedding is off. He explains how we already have everyone from family out and we can’t reschedule. I look up on Google, “how to get rid of one arm”. The search tells me to use a saw, so I eventually just thought of an idea. I could hide it? Glancing at my clock it read 4 o’clock. THE WEDDING IS IN 1 HOUR! I race out the door and arrive at the community pool where the wedding is being held. Harry drives my...