John Wayne Gacy

John Wayne Gacy

Who is John Wayne Gacy Jr.? Well some people may say that John is a family man, a caring person, and a hardworking business man. He would even dress up as a clown and go to the local hospital to cheer up the kids in there. And these statements about John are probably true because he was a nice and caring person at one point in his life. Unfortunately there was another side to John Gacy that many people did not know. For people who never saw the sick side of him, they might be surprised to found out he is one of the most famous serial killers ever known.
John Wayne Gacy Jr. was born at Edgewater Hospital in 1942. His were parents Marion Elaine Robinson Gacy and John Wayne Gacy, Sr. Over the year’s John developed a close relationship with his mom and his two sisters, Joanne and Karen. John’s dad was an abusive alcoholic who physically and verbally abused his wife and he also verbally assaulted his children. Even though his dad was an unpleasant individual, John loved his dad deeply and wanted desperately to have his father’s love and attention.
John grew up in the northern part of Chicago. All the Gacy children grew up as Catholics and all three of them attended Catholic schools. John had a fairly normal childhood except for a couple accidents that happened when he was young. When John was little he was hit by a swing in the back of the head which later it was discovered that the hit caused a blood clot to form in his brain. He suffered blackouts and headaches from the clot. When John was seventeen he was diagnosed with a non-specific heart ailment. This ailment followed him throughout his life and he often complained about his heart hurting.
In September 1964, John met and married a co-worker named Marlynn Myers. Marylynn’s father owned a string of Kentucky Fried Chickens and offered John a job in one of his franchises. So John left Chicago and moved to Iowa. Shortly after moving to Iowa, John and Marlynn had their first child and it was a...

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