Jordan Six Page Essay

Jordan Six Page Essay

Jordan is made up of a diverse culture and great human rights. Jordan relies on foreign imports for its natural resource, which makes Jordan have one of the poorest economies in the Middle East. Being under the rule of a Constitutional Monarchy, leaves the control limited to the Chief of State. Islam, being the majority of the populations’ religion, runs deep through the culture of Jordan and has played a huge role in the society of Jordan itself to date.

There is a variety of social classes ranging from the rich to the poor in Jordan. Getting to the top requires owning some sort of large business or corporation. Including large farms and factories. Following the rich, come any army affiliated personnel, government workers, etc. The rest falls into place; teachers, normal size farm owners, factory workers all come down to average workers, while the bottom of the list are the unemployed and homeless.
The government in Jordan is a Constitutional Monarchy. This meaning that power is limited to the top person, the Chief of State, by law. The Chief of State in Jordan is King ABDALLAH II, who has been in office since February 7, 1999. All of the elections are hereditary, and are brought to office through the Monarch.
Jordan has to import a majority of its natural resources like oil, and has an inadequate supply of water. This causes major economic droughts in Jordan. Although Chief of State King ABDALLAH II has been bringing other countries attention in, and getting them to invest in some of Jordan’s big businesses.

Religion plays a huge role in Jordan’s society. Islam is Jordan’s biggest religion, as 98% of Jordan’s population is Arab. Religion wasn’t always important, or viewed highly, until the 1980’s. During this time period the Islam religion started to spread throughout Jordan. This could be recognized visually in society by the way women dressed. They started to wear the Islam clothing, wearing the head dress. People attending services and...

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