Just testing

Just testing

Executive Summary

Modemeters has been a successful company for more than a century being the largest producer of metering components in the world. The CEO has introduced two new strategies and he wants that the heads of the areas agree to present and be ready for the application of these. The company has had a conservative management with little change required so far; but know the new strategies challenge the whole company for its different approach which are to go to new markets (geographic and customers). After the meeting, the VPs could realise that the company is not ready for these kind of challenges and changes must be done as soon as possible otherwise how it was presented by the CIO into the next 5 years, the company will not have any budget for innovation of IT systems. A third-change order is indispensable to understand the current company (Technology, process, people and structure) including a business model analysis (SWOT and 5 forces) to understand internal and external abilities. Under a cohesive analysis a TO-BE scenario should be proposed integrating new vision, strategies for short, medium and long run. As a third part, an analysis gap is performance to develop strategies, plans and processes to change from AS-IS to TO-BE scenario. These different plans can be evaluated and prioritised through qualitative and quantitative methodologies such as NPV, budget, risks and so forth. Agile development is named as alternative due to its low resource allocation per period of time and quick deliveries.

Case Background and Overview

Modmeters has been a successful company created around a century ago; it is the largest producer of metering components in the world so far and its customers are potentially companies with large demand such as utility companies and manufacturers of other industries.

At the moment, John Johnson, the CEO of the company has developed 2 strategies to increase revenue though a two market developments (other countries and...

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