

The Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay which promoted the ratification of the United States Constitution. Federalists Paper No.51 was written by James Madison. Madison is the farther of the constitution drafting the United States Constitution and author of the Bill of Rights he was a politician for most of his life. Federalist Paper No.51 purpose is to maintain separate branches of government and protect the right of the people and of the country. These separate branches of government are the Executive branch, the Judicial Branch and the Legislative branch. Government is an essential mechanism for realizing vital public values such as justice, which is important in making government. How important is Justice in the new nation? The government has provided justice through the three branches of government Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
First, is the Legislative branch. “In the republican government, the legislature authority necessarily predominates” (Jacobus 114). Madison knew the legislative branch is the strongest, and must be divided into two groups the Senate and the House of Representatives to split the power. Justice is shown in both of these branches. “The remedy for this inconveniency is, to divide the legislature into different branches; and to render them by different modes of election, and different principles of action, as little connected with each other, as the nature of their common functions, and their common dependence on society, will admit” (Jacobus 114). Madison basically states how he will balance the powers of congress. The House of Representatives is based on the state’s population. Every representative is in charge of their own district in the state. The representatives’ job is to make congressional decisions in the district and report to the president. As a United States citizen people have the right chose who they want as a representative of their district, which actually is work of...

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