

Juvenile Delinquency
Author: Kh Atiar Rahman | Posted: 07-09-2007 | Comments: 1 | Views: 1,899 | Rating: (536) (?) Ads by Google

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There is no denying the fact, due to detrimental state of affairs, a youngster may be infected with evil mind and as a result, he or she crumbles and stigmatizes by inflowing into the world of murkiness as well as misleading from where he or she can never get rid of. He commits felony, such as smuggling, robbing, murdering, grabbing and decrepitude etc. and malfunction waits for him everywhere. Even if, he is fascinated by incalculable but noxious outlawed equipment. Not being knowledgeable, he becomes captivated to evil works in society. He becomes unidentified about the world being brief and misapprehension of short-lived affairs, which has never-ending value in the real sense. In numerous times, it is pragmatic by degrees that he becomes go-getting and many unenthusiastic tricks are acted upon in communal life. He gets involved in proverbial activities being crooked and atrocious in real life situation for which the society cannot mull over him as an evil person; never the less; every body is in the way to run after such outlawed possessions. In countless times the horror cream of the crop greet him and shore up him to do the illegal thing. Thus a person becomes the leader of the country and occupies a very high-ranking pose in the society by doing all the forbidden...

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