Kill a Mocking Bird

Kill a Mocking Bird

Courage can be seen as, fighting for something that is right ragardless of whether you win or lose. Going threw a personal fight comes with alot of difficulties, like facing what other people think especially ones close to you. In order to take on the battle one must have an extremely strong, courageous personality. Harper Lee illustrates the idea of courage in the book " To Kill A Mockingbird". The characters Boo Radley, Atticus Finch , Scout and Jem Finch are a perfect example of people who fight for whatever they happen to beleive in.
Atticus Finch defines courage and demonstrates it several times throughout the novel, in addition to the life lessons that he teaches his children. The largest and most important example would be the Trial of Tom Robinson, base of the novel. When Atticus took the case, he went against Maycomb, a generally prejudiced town, in order to defend Tom. He understood that taking the case would cause alot of tension between him and the town,and that no one would forgive him for believing in a black man's word rather than a white man's. Even his own sister expresses disapproval of his decision, practically telling him he was bringing disgrace on the family. Nevertheless, no matter how much his reputation suffered, he did not change his mind. Standing up for his morals and ethics was more important than what people thought about him. Atticus's character stays consistent throughout the novel, he shows the true meaning of a risk taker, of someone who can stand behind what he beleives in. He stood by Toms side even when violence became an issue. This showing greater dedication for helping Tom to fight his battle.Not only did he fight the battle of Tom Robinson, but he also took on the role of a father.His purpose was to make sure that his two sons, Jem and Scout would grow up to be able to stand for what they beleive in. He continously lectured his kids about how moraly wrong it was to discrimiate towards others.He explains to them, that...

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