Kitchen Chemistry Taste Test Lab

Kitchen Chemistry Taste Test Lab

  • Submitted By: rogerwert
  • Date Submitted: 04/02/2013 9:35 AM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 479
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 147

Kitchen Chemistry
Dr. I
September 5, 2012
Taste Test Activity Write-Up
On Wednesday, September 5, 2012, in Kitchen Chemistry we did several taste test activities. The first activity involved the sense of smell in identifying the taste of food. The class divided into pairs and each group received a blindfold. One person in each group was blindfolded while the other person was given a cup with food and shrink wrap covering the top to contain the food’s scent. The blindfolded person then held their nose so they could not smell, while the other person spooned food into their mouth. The blindfolded member was asked to describe what they tasted and try to identify what food it was. All the blindfolded people in the class replied that it was sweet, but no one knew what the food was. When they could see and smell again they realized it was strawberry jelly. Then the remaining member of each group was blindfolded and the test was run again. Everyone once again said the food was sweet but could not identify what the food was. It turned out to be applesauce.
The second activity involved PTC (phenylthiocarbamide) paper. Each person in the class was given a small slip of regular paper and a small slip of PTC paper. We each tasted the regular paper and agreed that it was plain and tasted like paper. Then everyone tasted the PTC paper. Five people said that it had no flavor and tasted like the regular paper. The remaining eleven people could taste it, and said it was bitter. Eight of the eleven that could taste it said that it was extremely bitter. If the taste was very bitter, it might indicate that person in a “Super Taster.” I found the paper to be extremely bitter.
The last activity involved miracle fruit. Miracle fruit is a tropical fruit that makes sour or bitter foods and drinks taste sweet. Each person in the class was given a “Miracle Frootie,” which is a tablet made of miracle fruit. Everyone was instructed to place the tablet on their tongue and move it...

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