

  • Submitted By: levysamantha
  • Date Submitted: 12/19/2013 8:06 AM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 364
  • Page: 2
  • Views: 109

Review for 200 exam on Thursday (same format as other exam: Multiple choice, short answer and choice of essay) Content: Webwise main points, Forms of communication, media law)
What you need to know:
* Forms of communication
What does the medium is the message mean?
Form/mode/,medium of comm. (Be specific. Use the class lecture material on ANGEL to review)
What was life like when SPEECH was only form
……………………………PRINT was introduced
What is significant when ELECTRIC/Electronic comm available ( AND 3 different arguments: global village, intensified characteristics of print, or more democratic world)
Did electric comm free comm. from transportation?
* Webwise topics
role of social media,
media convergence (I was going to outline this today--See my comments at the end of this note. You know this stuff. I was going to tie it up for you—a way to describe what you know.)
* Media Law
Media freedom vs areas; national security, libel, privacy, right to a fair trial, obscenity,
National security: clear and present danger, Pentagon Papers, Progressive Magazine
Libel law: libel v slander, 3 conditions to take a libel action, media defenses: truth, qualified privlege, fair comment and criticism, absent malice; Times v Sullivan,
Privacy: 4 contexts: commercial advantage, intrusion, disclos.of private or embarrassing facts, false light. Examples/illustrations
Porno; media self regulation, Miller V Calf. Definition of obscenity and difficulty of its use
Fair trial. Sam Shepard case, courtroom control

MEDIA CONVERGENCE –a way to bundle your webwise topics
merging of old and new media
The television, radio, magazines and newspapers were the source for news and entertainment;
Now all converged into one source: the Internet.
The older media= passive audience.
Internet provides a more engaged audience.
New social paradigm paradigm.. consumer to seek out information.
how individual interact with others...