

In addition it would also be wise to elaborate on all of the causes of these villainies. However, the focus of this letter is the “sexual and violent songs” which in my opinion should be banned from radio and television. These songs are an intensely bad influence other than “drug abuse” to the human race. Please take these words of advice to the victims of criminals. Whatever you do, do not blame yourself and don’t let this bring you down no matter what the negative side of society says about you. Be warned, some people will be for you while on the other hand, sometimes unexpectedly, there will be those who are not for you. However, you should take that as motivation and a challenge to put on your white wings and fly, so that they may always look up to you as a positive role model. Additionally villains nearly or actually come up with provocative alibi; as the victims and witnesses do not allow their fabricated stories to get to you. They are only trying to vindicate themselves in society. Sexual and violent songs should be banned from radio and television because of the negative effects they have on society. In addition there needs to be a profound look at the words from songs that the youths listen to. What is the logical encouragement that sexual violent songs offer? Sexual and violent songs are corrupting the minds of youth, making them irresponsible and influencing viewers to reject the morals of society, based on their persuasive effectiveness for one and all. It is wise to emphasise that the singer is a predominant role model. Take for instance the famous Caribbean singer “Movado” with his outrageous popular songs “Me squeeze her breast like de trigger of ma gun!” and “Kill them all and done!” The phrases serve as a typical definition of sexual and violent songs. Additionally, they are appealing to society’s mind, instilling to put these words into practice to fit in and be “popular”. Furthermore they are degrading women. It is only fair if we ask......