

In regards to the numerous successful Revolutions that have occurred, they all share in common a broad general pattern, causes and characteristics. The American Revolution to a certain extent aligned with this broad pattern and had some identical causes and characteristics. In regards to the preliminary and advanced symptoms of revolutions, the American Revolution exhibited characteristics of discontent and the creation of mobs that was in response to taxes imposed upon them by the British government. The steps that followed although displaying characteristics and causes that identify with revolutions, digresses from the general pattern. The Declaration of Independence, Battle of Saratoga and Siege of Yorktown though somewhat associating themselves with their respective step within the broad pattern, for best part does not fit in with the overall pathology. The American Revolution displayed that certain stages matched with the broad general pattern and throughout its duration exhibited characteristics and causes normally attributed to revolutions. Other parts of the Revolution however tended to deviate from the generally accepted pattern.
As a prelude before the Revolution itself, there were already preliminary symptoms of unrest within America that followed the first step in the general pattern of revolutions. Prior to the first shots at Lexington and Concord in 1775, growing discontent with the British Government passing certain acts that the Americans perceived as unfair had already risen to a substantial degree. With the majority of acts incurring economic and financial costs, by 1767, the Townshend Acts had been passed, putting further taxes on paper, glass and tea. Upon the taxes that the Stamp Act of 1965 incurred on such items as newspapers, official documents and almanacs, the American people became highly agitated and a feeling of resentment quickly spilled over the masses, ‘several person were for dying rather than submitting to it...’ [pg52 Maier,...