Lab 6 ECET 330

Lab 6 ECET 330

Laboratory Report Cover Sheet
DeVry University
College of Engineering and Information Sciences

Course Number: ECET330
Professor: Faramarz Mortezaie
Laboratory Number: 6
Laboratory Title: Embedded C Programming: Part I
Submittal Date:

To learn how to write a C program using CodeWarrior IDE
To learn how to program I/O instructions in C language
To learn how to organize a C program to read data from input ports, process the data, and display the result on a simple output device
To learn how to write inline assembly language in C


C seemed a lot easier to write in then code because it felt familiar because it writes almost like c++

We learned difference of C and assembly language and how to program in C

Mario Warren
Ecet 330





1. IV. 1-A. Cut and paste the Memory window.

IV. 1-B. Cut and paste the Memory window to show the value of result.

IV. 1.C - What is the value displayed on the LEDs after you single step the line PTT = ~result?

IV. 2. A. What are the LED values?

IV. 2. B. Calculate the delay size and show your work.

IV. 3. A. Cut and paste the source code.

IV. 3. B. Cut and paste the Memory window.

IV. 3. C. Describe the values of LEDs. What is the last value that you see?
Starts at 0 and delays 1 sec counting up to 9

IV. 4. A. Cut and paste the source code.
#include /* common defines and macros */
#include "derivative.h"
void copy (unsigned char list1[], unsigned char list2[], unsigned char size);
void delay (void);
void main(void) {
unsigned char list1[10] ={9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
unsigned char x,i;
DDRT = 0xFF;
for (i=0 ; i < 10; i++){
x = list1[i];
x =...

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