Laws of Life

Laws of Life

Laws of Life Essay
Which direction do you see your life headed? Is it going in a positive direction or more downhill than you want it to be? It is important to evaluate your current status and decide what steps need to be taken to get to your goals. Everyone has a law of life that they live by, whether they actually know it or not. We all have morals and stick to them. The three laws of life I picked include: 1. If you humble yourself to the world around you and live in the present, your troubles will become miniscule compared to your happiness. 2. My advice to others is to question everything. To accept what is presented to you blindly is to be taken by surprise. To truly believe in something you must first be the greatest skeptic. 3. You are what you think! You do what you think you can do.
“If you humble yourself to the world around you and live in the present, your troubles will become miniscule compared to your happiness.” Humble yourself by not stressing over each problem and worrying about every little think that would normally bring you down. Live in the present by focusing on each day you live through, meaning don’t live in the past or think on what the future holds. Keep your eyes on the current time and live your life from that moment on.
“My advice to others is to question everything. To accept what is presented to you blindly is to be taken by surprise. To truly believe in something you must first be the greatest skeptic.” Question everything by not sitting back and letting things pass you by without being quizzical. You mustn’t let things come as they are, but to open your eyes and figure out the entire puzzle. Being the greatest skeptic requires you to first question what is being presented, and then decide on whether it is false or correct. After you analyze, you can believe and put your trust into what you thought through.
“You are what you think! You do what you think you can do.” Is your head filled with negativity and wrong messages?...

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