Left Brain vs Right Brain

Left Brain vs Right Brain

Left Brain vs. Right Brain

Davin Langston

COLL 100

American Military University
Shearin, Christiansen

Left Brain vs. Right Brain

A person’s brain is like the human remote control and storage combined into one. It tells the body what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and more. The body is controlled by and ran by the brain. From birth, the brain develops to be bigger and maintain more information as a person grows. So without the one main organ known as the brain, no body or human could function. But, what if there was only half of a brain. How would that affect a person’s ability to function? The functions of the left side of the brain and how it compares to the right side of brain determines their impacts on learning. First let’s explore the two sides of the brain.
The left side of the brain is the “logical” part of the brain. This side of your brain is where most of your scholarly like thinking comes from. This is where things like language come from. The left side of the brain tends to process in logical and sequential order. (Hopper 2). The left side of the brain also processes in a sequential order. It starts with the small pieces and puts them together in order to eventually get to the whole conclusion or answer. It processes things in sequential order by doing things such as making list or planning ahead. (Hopper 4). If you are a math solver, then this is a result of use of the left side of the brain. The left side tends to be able to process shapes and numbers more effectively. Things like spelling and punctuation come from the left side of the brain. The left side of the brain is more in tune with reality and able to accept things how they truly are. The left side of the brain users are also very good at expressing themselves in words. (Hopper 4) They tend to be able to easily give detailed directions or express their feelings. Left brain side learners tend to be able to focus more on accuracy and analysis....

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