Let There Be Love

Let There Be Love

“Life was filled with guns and wars, and everyone got trampled to the floor” are the opening lines of a popular song. How true those words ring in reflecting today’s state of what the world has inadvertently gotten into. As far as one can afford to look back on past forgotten years, one is reminded constantly of the various wars that nations have waged on one another for various reasons – the reasons might not be significant at all but the pride to prove one’s worthiness and strength has overruled man’s potential for reasoning.
Constant efforts have been taken to ensure world peace but all methods have failed. Even with the establishment of the UNO, the dark days have not ended and the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be fading away. Mankind is not aware of what living in peace and harmony feels like anymore. Rather, peace and harmony seem like unattainable conditions that seem to evade mankind.
With the advent of technology and the modern era, it is sad to note that man, instead of growing in his maturity seems to be have dwindled in his lack of it. Wars have not ceased. It has, on the other hand increased. Man is also taking advantage of the genius he has in terms of development in using his talent to invent bombs and guns and machines to destroy his neighbour, his sister, his brother. Yes, in the wake of war, one soldier kills his own neighbour, not knowing the wrong he has done unto himself.
It is rather sad that the learning that one gains from school is not put to good use. People forget their values and indulge in activities of cruel intentions. Hunger, poverty ad hatred also drive people to extreme states of madness but one must remember that war is not the solution for revenge. One war leads to another and the catalyst is triggered and an unstoppable chain reaction goes underway.
Moving on to a totally different battlefield altogether, we also are made aware of the domestic war that has waged in people’s households. Yes, differences to occur...

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