Letter to My Love

Letter to My Love

{text:bookmark-start} Now, as thou lovest me, let me see his letter. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Good Master Fabian, grant me another request. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Any thing. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Do not desire to see this letter. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} This is, to give a dog, and in recompense desire my {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} dog again. {text:bookmark-end} Enter DUKE ORSINO, VIOLA, CURIO, and Lords {text:bookmark-start} Belong you to the Lady Olivia, friends? {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Ay, sir; we are some of her trappings. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} I know thee well; how dost thou, my good fellow? {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Truly, sir, the better for my foes and the worse {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} for my friends. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Just the contrary; the better for thy friends. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} No, sir, the worse. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} How can that be? {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Marry, sir, they praise me and make an ass of me; {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} now my foes tell me plainly I am an ass: so that by {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} my foes, sir I profit in the knowledge of myself, {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} and by my friends, I am abused: so that, {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} conclusions to be as kisses, if your four negatives {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} make your two affirmatives why then, the worse for {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} my friends and the better for my foes. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} Why, this is excellent. {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} By my troth, sir, no; though it please you to be {text:bookmark-end}
{text:bookmark-start} one of my friends. {text:bookmark-end}...

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