level 4 learning and development

level 4 learning and development

Unit Title: Delivering education and training
URN: M/505/0122
1. Be able to use inclusive teaching and learning approaches in accordance with internal and external requirements

1.1 Analyse the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners
You could use Petty’s (2009: 587-588) summary of key differentiation strategies as ‘Differentiation by:
• The task
• The Outcome
• The time allotted
• The accommodation of learning styles and support needs
• The setting of individual needs and tasks
Within the area of first aid there are many learning approaches that are relevant, these activities would include group discussion work, oral questioning, practical tasks, written assessments, ice breaking activities and paired activity. These should all be achievable within the allocated time frame as well as relevant in the subject area.
Each approach could be used in a certain phase of the lesson such as the beginning you would use the ice breaking activities to break down the learners barrier as the activity would involve some paired practical work such as turning someone into the recovery position, this activity would let learners get used to working with each other by introducing themselves and getting to know each other and their own experiences. This would also highlight each individual’s learner’s diverse and cultural background, in turn this can promote inclusivity and then adapting the learning style for each individuals learners needs. The middle of the lesson could include a group discussion on a subject such as what paperwork they have to fill in as part of the statutory law or what is included in a first aid kit. This would promote inclusivity and learners own experiences as different learners would come from different cultural backgrounds and different places of work, so their own individual requirements would be diverse, which you would need to take into account...

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