Life Essay

Life Essay

  • Submitted By: azuato1234
  • Date Submitted: 02/24/2014 6:44 PM
  • Category: English
  • Words: 580
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 130

The Crossing
During my lifetime I've been in several near death experiences . An example was when I was back home in the democratic republic of the Congo. I was around 6 years old. At that age, I was very rebellious and curious and, to top it off, I thought I was invincible. Back home, at the age of six, I was pretty independent, not fully but when it came to certain situations I was. I would be allowed to walk to school and back home by myself, which was about a 8 minute walk. By my school, there was a busy main street where a lot cars went back and forth. Across the road/mainstreet was the main church in town, which my family went to a lot. One day, after school was done, me and my friends walked out of school and were hanging around doing our thing. Then, like always, after a while, boredom kicked in. Like a good caring family, my family never let me cross that street by myself. So tempted by boredom ,curiosity ,and excitement I moved forward with my plan to cross the street .
I walked up to the edge of the street and watched . I was waiting for the right time to cross when there weren't a lot of cars , but it was busy and the cars were zooming by nonstop. Finally, I saw a tiny window of space were I could try and go across. Seeing my opportunity, I went on with executing it . I started running across and I absolutely misjudged my window of space. Two cars missed me by like inches and other cars abruptly attempted to stop and slowdown . About halfway across the road, out of nowhere, this lady quickly grabbed me and pulled me back to safety. When we were to the side, she was yelling at me and had my wrist held very tightly. She was asking me where my parents were or where I lived so she could take me home. Knowing I would get in big trouble with my parents, when her grip loosened up, I wiggled my wrist out of her hands and booked it without turning back. I got very lucky that I got away from her because I would have gotten in some big trouble with my...

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