Life Is Beautiful Review

Life Is Beautiful Review

Sometimes during films, some extremely serious situations going on in real life can be turned into a game. This could be explained by the film, Life Is Beautiful in which a father and his family are put into a concentration camp but somehow the father had the intuition to turn this very serious matter into a game for his child. The ironic part of this is that the game he creates is really not a joke but a serious game that will keep his child alive. In the film, Guido is a Jewish father who gets put into a Jewish concentration camp during the Second World War. While his wife Dora, who is not really Jewish, decides to come along as well to not leave her husband and child. Throughout the movie the father does numerous things to keep his family alive, as well as to send messages to his wife through songs over the loud speaker to tell her he is still alive. All in all Guido is an extremely brave man who takes care of his family the best he can. With his intuition, Guido hides his son in a box and continues the game so his son will stay alive while he then goes to try and find is wife to escape. At the end of the movie unfortunately, Guido is killed by a German solider as they are evacuating the concentration camp.
After watching this film, I expanded my knowledge about concentration camps during World War Two much more. During these times people did whatever they had to do to survive under brutal conditions. Society as a whole is scared for life from these camps. As history goes on people will never forget about these camps and the pain and suffering that they put on Jewish families forever. I do not agree with concentration camps, I think that these camps are one of the worst mistakes mankind has made as a whole, and feel terrible about the pain inflicted to these people.

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