LIT 210 UOP Course Tutorial / Tutorialoutlet

LIT 210 UOP Course Tutorial / Tutorialoutlet

LIT 210 Complete Course Material
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LIT 210 CheckPoint 1: Literary Canon Response
LIT 210 CheckPoint 2: Writing About Literature Response
LIT 210 Assignment: Literary Definitions Activity
LIT 210 CheckPoint: Final Paper Rough Draft 1 of 2
LIT 210 CheckPoint: Final Paper Rough Draft 2 of 2
LIT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint: Young Goodman Brown Matrix
LIT 210 Week 2 DQs
LIT 210 Week 3 CheckPoint: Analytical Essay
LIT 210 Week 4 DQs
LIT 210 Week 3 Assignment: Comparative Character Matrix and Newspaper Ads- Appendix D
LIT 210 CheckPoint: Newspaper Ads for Dramatic Characters
LIT 210 Week 5 Assignment: Oedipus Rex and A Raisin in the Sun Essay
LIT 210 Week 5 CheckPoint: Comparative Drama Matrix
LIT 210 Week 7 Assignment: Comparative Poetry Matrix- Appendix h
LIT 210 Week 6-Checkpoint - Word Order Activity
LIT 210 Week 6 DQs
LIT 210 Final Paper Outline
LIT 210 Week 8 Checkpoint Analyzing the Essay
LIT 210 Week 8 DQs
LIT 210 Capstone Checkpoint
LIT 210 Final Project Comparative Literature Paper

LIT 210 CheckPoint 1 Literary Canon Response
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• Due Date: Day 3 [post to the Individual forum]
• Write 175-300 words answering the following questions:
o What literature do you consider to be part of the United States' current literary canon,
and why? How do those selections reflect the cultural tradition of the United States?
o What do you consider to be part of your personal literary canon?

LIT 210 Week 2 CheckPoint: Young Goodman Brown Matrix
For more course tutorials visit

Resource: Appendix C...

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