lit review for psy

lit review for psy

Literature Review on Self-Identity in Adolescences
Adrian Pravin Timothy
PSY 211
Chandana Namal Kumara
Centre for SNHU Programs

Identity is a domain that every individual beliefs to have specifically for themselves. A journal article on Characteristics of the Presentation of Self During Adolescence explains that there have been a lot of effort in terms of psychological research to explain the emergence of the adolescent’s personality. Another journal that was studied was based on Predicting Students’ Motivation Beyond Academic Self-Concept. In Germany, school tracking or school grouping that is a norm within students that differentiates their achievement and their progress in the student’s studies. College Student Identities and Ethnic Identities and Their Relationship with Self-Esteem, Efficacy and Grade Point Average in an Urban University was the third journal that investigates how college student identities and how ethnic identities are related to students’ self-esteem and self-efficacy.

Identity is a domain that every individual beliefs to have specifically for themselves. Identity is also understood as a grounded self-identification such as being a Malaysian Indian or even a daughter rather than an individual as a generalize self-concept (Owens, 2003). Identity emphasizes on what an individual wants to share with other peers and what an individual wants to be identified by. As cited from Stone (1962), it was suggested that identification is a concern of two developments, identification of and identification with, which merely explains the medium an individual uses to identify themselves by defining their self, based on social influence or based on the values that they have acquired to themselves. Throughout adolescence and even in some cases young adulthood, individuals tend to undergo situations that influence them to have to have low self- esteem and even lead them to...

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