LIT1 Task 3

LIT1 Task 3

406198 Swindle LIT 1 Task 310.1.5-02,11,13
Following American Psychological Association Guidelines
Jeremy Swindle
Western Governors University

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) was established by Bill Clinton in February of 1993. This act was established to allow employees who worked more than 1250 hours in the previous year and have been employed with the current company for at least one year, to take time off due to family or health reasons. Employees are allowed to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off for the following reasons:
Birth or care of a newborn child, adoption of a child, or placing a child into foster care
To care for an immediate family member who is seriously ill, or
To recover from your own illness
In most states, employees are required to use any accrued time that they have built up, such as sick time, vacation time, or personal days before FMLA kicks in. In most cases, the employee is required to give their employer at least 30 days notice prior to taking this leave. In certain circumstances, the employer can waive the 30 day requirement to take this leave.

Situation A
In situation A, the company was in the right for giving him his previous job back, along with his previous pay. The employer was also correct in not giving this employee his withheld salary, due to the fact that his salary was not withheld. Since the employee took FMLA, this employee received 12 weeks of unpaid time. The only salary that the employee could collect would have been from any accrued time that he had saved up, or if the employee had an insurance policy to help with the time off. So, I conclude that the employer did not violate the Family and Medical Leave of 1993.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 was established by Lyndon B. Johnson. This act was established to prevent discrimination...

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