Long Term Affects of Divorce

Long Term Affects of Divorce

Sitting in the vastness of my newly empty house my mind has wondered to the reasons that have led me to this point of my life. This is a very lonely place to find myself. I cannot help but wonder if the path that I have traveled is one that was set in some way by my parents. Did there divorce set into action events that I could not control? Perhaps I am not the only on who has been on this path. I think of my daughter and I wonder if I have I laid the same path for her that was laid for me. I think that we are all aware of what divorce is, but how much do we know about the lasting affects that is has on children and there future relationships?
Divorce or dissolution of marriage is a legal process that leads to the termination of a marriage (Divorce). There are many reasons that cause divorce but the exact reasons vary from relationship to relationship. Lack of communication is one of the leading causes of divorce (Panse). This lack of communication does not get better once the decision to divorce has been made final. The divorces that get particularly nasty have the worst affect on children both in the short term and the long. Divorce may be a relief or may be devastating for couple going through it but inevitably leaves the children feeling confused, angry, or hurt. While most couples seem to have the best intentions of making there divorce the least damaging for there children somewhere along the way the children get lost in the battle. This can cause children to experience many different behavioral changes and.
Some children experience an easier adjustment to divorce while others display difficulties for a long period of time. In order to better understand the long term affects of divorce on children it is important to look at the short term results of divorce. One of a child’s first reactions to divorce is fear of abandonment (Reaction). Once the decision to divorce has been made one parent will inevitably move to another dwelling. This...

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