Looking for Alibrandi: the Book Was Better Than the Movie

Looking for Alibrandi: the Book Was Better Than the Movie

I have finished the book Looking for Alibrandi and I thought it was great :)I think the book was better than the movie as it has more characters and it was more descriptive. I noticed after reading the book that the sequence of events in the book were much different to the sequence of events in the movie, I mean in the book John Barton didn't die until the last few chapters but in the movie he died earlier on. In the movie Josie and Jacob got back together but in the book they seperated with Josie hoping for them to reconcile later on in life. Also their were small things in the movie that were not correct according to the book such as; in the book Josie and Anna get part time jobs at Mcdonalds but in the movie they work at a different fast food chain. In the book their are more characters like Josie's friend Lee, but in the movie the Character of Lee has been written out. Over all I loved the book and am now currantly reading a book by the same writter as Looking for Alibrandi, the book is called Saving Francesca. My Favourite scene in the book was the scene between Josie and the Sisters, I thought they were hilarious and could picture myself acting in the same way. I particularly liked the comment she made about one of the sisters flairing her nostrils which made her think she must of been a horse in her past life.

I haven't finished reading the book yet but am up to the last few chapters

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