Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies

Trace Rankin
The boys in The Lord of the Flies had two leaders, Jack and Ralph, that were two
completely different people with , but Ralph by far was the better leader of the two. Jack really was not a leader but a dictator, in the sense that most of his followers did what he demanded them to do and he shows what he will do in the book when he ties one of his own to a tree and beats him half to death. The best leader was Ralph because he tried to make life good for everyone and asked people to do things not demanded them to. He showed the great qualities of leadership like determination, fairness, and the consideration of his tribe.
Starting off, Ralph's determination helped those boys learn to survive on the island. If Ralph hadn't wanted to make the fire, on top of the hill, Jack would have never known how to start a big fire and the boys would have never been found, by the huge
forest fire he that Jack made to hunt down Ralph. Ralph wanted a place to rest at night
that was indoors so he built wooden, huts. Even though they kept falling down he was determined to get these huts to stay up, and finally got his tribe a, closed off, indoor
place to sleep. If Ralph didn't really care about finding the other boys in the beginning then everyone would have never met until later on in the book, rather than the very beginning. When Piggy suggested " We can use this to call the othersIt would have been harder to get rescued, and do as many things as they did.
Another, trait that makes Ralph a good leader is his fairness. He would always keep his cool, was mostly nice to everyone, and tried to make life good for everyone.
Ralph always would resolve a problem in a reasonable way. Like when they were
debating on whom to be their leader. Ralph suggested the democratic way of voting, and not trying to saying this like to make himself seem really cool “ I ought to be cheif ,because I am chapter choirestor and head boy. I can...

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