Love Horescope

Love Horescope

Love horoscopes: zodiac sign compatibility for gemini and leo Gemini, and air sign, and Leo, a sun sign, can complement each other and adapt to each other's changing moods. {text:change-start} Gemini and Leo Complement Each Other {text:change-end} {text:change-start} {text:change-start} Gemini Adapts to Leo {text:change-end} {text:change-start} {text:change-start} Leo is a proud sign with a very sensitive ego, and the Lion will probably demand more attention than Gemini is willing to give. Gemini must avoid one large pitfall here ' loving to tease. Teasing, unmercilessly, only angers the Lion and causes strife, but it’s Gemini’s way of protesting Leo’s continuing need to be in the spotlight. In fact, Gemini wants to share in that spotlight. {text:change-end} {text:change-start} {text:change-start} Laziness is another Leo trait to which Gemini must adjust. Leo will take periods of life and do absolutely nothing with them. Gemini can’t fathom this; Gemini’s world of the mind is always working. Here, Gemini must adapt and see Leo’s lazy spell as a way to recharge the Lion’s batteries. {text:change-end} {text:change-start} {text:change-start} Leo Adapt to Gemini {text:change-end} {text:change-start} {text:change-start} The more adaptable of the two, Leo has to be willing to bend in a romantic relationship with Gemini. Gemini has a desire for change: The Twins are easily bored. So Gemini desires novelty ' in friends, in romance. Their intellect keeps them always striving for some new experience. Leo will initially consider this restlessness and will be especially hurt by Gemini’s flirtatiousness. But Leo is steadfast and committed to their relationship. This should see them through. {text:change-end} {text:change-start} {text:change-start} Gemini and Leo Complement Each Other {text:change-end} {text:change-start} {text:change-start} An expressive sexual life also evolves from the union of these two. Leo is a passionate lover, warm hearted. Gemini can hold a...

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