

Mia Williams
"Critical Thinking Case Study"

Q. What is the most major change in your life and how did it affect your life and emotions.
A. My most major change was having two kids back to back, before finishing college. It affected my life because I became so overwhelmed and behind on a lot of things. I was still a mothers girl myself, so I needed my mother to remind me to make app, and sign up for different programs and ect. That change didn’t really affect my emotion, it actually gotten much better for me. It was just a big change for me which was new and challenging.

Q. If you were to face the major roadblocks that Sonia faced, to whom could you turn to in your life for help? Why?
A. I could turn to my mother. Why because I know that she will never turn here back on me and my daughters, no matter what our problem was or what we needed. My mother is very intelligent and know just how to help me and what decision to help me choose.

Q. What changes do you think that you are going to have to personally make in your life to assure your success?
A. The first thing I have to do Is become much more closer to God, then I have to make a very important list of goals that I need to achieve, such as being strong and completing every bit of college, making sure I instill very good manners profession in my girls, and more.