Lsi Mgmt591

Lsi Mgmt591

Jyothirmaye Gowli
MGMT 591 Leadership & Org Behavior
Prof. Michael Komos
November 14, 2013
The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is a self-assessment diagnostic instrument that measures 12 key thinking patterns, or "styles". The LSI promotes performance change and improvement by increasing personal understanding of one's thinking and behavior. By responding to these 240 inventory items, individuals learn exactly where they need to focus their development efforts, without ambiguity or guesswork. The results of the self-description are plotted on a circular graph for easy visualization of how the individual thinks and behaves in the 12 LSI styles. This profile acts as a personalized developmental needs assessment, calling attention to the individual's strengths as well as areas needing improvement.
After using the Life Styles exercise and receiving my results, I feel that I have been able to accurately analyze my behaviors in the workplace and also in my personal life. I noticed how my personal thinking style has influenced my ability to be effective in my work and as a result, there are some things that can be improved upon. This exercise has allowed me to look back and critically analyze my behaviors and thinking styles and assess how they affect me in day-to-day activities. I have been able to identify the mechanisms by which the relationships I have with my family and in my company. Taking the Life Styles Inventory (LSI) survey has really made me realized and confirm many things or styles that I knew some and some that I never knew about myself.
According to my Life Style Inventory assessment, I scored in the highest percentiles for Humanistic- encouraging, approval, Conventional and Dependent. In four of these categories I scored in-between 93% to 95%. So, these would be considered my primary thinking styles as the differences is not much in the percentage. My backup or second highest percentile personal thinking as...

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