Macbeth Themes

Macbeth Themes

Macbeth Themes – Class Notes
Macbeth King Duncan
Lady Macbeth Macduff
Ghost of Banquo Witches
MacBeth see’s the ghost of Banquo, it’s not actually there. (Pg 52, Act 3, Scene 4)
MacBeth believed that he was invincible because no one could kill him, but in reality Macduff killed him because he was born by c-section. (Pg 88, Act 5, Scene 3)
Duncan’s attendants were accused of killing King Duncan because Lady MacBeth framed them. (Pg 30, Act 2, Scene 3)
The witches prophecies were perceived as one thing but turned out different.
Lady MacBeth sleepwalks. When she sleep walks she replays the night over and over wringing the blood from her hands (Pg 84, Act 5, Scene 1)
MacBeth sees a dagger that takes him to King Duncan’s room – mind games to fulfil the deed.’ (Pg 24, Act 2, Scene 1)
‘Fear not MacBeth, no man that’s born shall e’ar have upon thee’ (Pg 88, Act 5, Scene 3) MacBeth.
‘Out, damn spot! Out, I say’ (Pg 84, Act 5, Scene 1) Lady MacBeth
‘The table is full’ (Pg 52, Act 3, Scene 4) Macbeth
‘This is the very painting of your fear, this is the air-drawn dagger which is said led you to Duncan’ (Pg 54, Act 3, Scene 4)
‘Lady MacBeth advises her husband to ‘Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it’.
Predictions by the witches
Banquo’s Ghost
Invisible Dagger
Burnam Wood
Lady MacBeth
Sleep Walking – Blood on Hands
Killing Herself
King Duncan’s Attendants
When they get framed for the death of King Duncan
King Duncan
King Duncan is what a king should be.
MacBeth is what a king should not be
His ghost is seen by MacBeth
Predictions/Prophecies aren’t always what they seem.
The witches deliberately try to mislead MacBeth into believing there is no man that’s born of woman’ will ever have power over him. But they do so in order to draw him on to his confusion....

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