Mama Bear

Mama Bear

Mama Bear

i. Viewpoint
Policy Level:
Mylene, Annalyn, Antonnette and Mary Rose (MAMA)
Task/Activity Level:
Contractual Employees

ii. Time Context
1st Quarter of 2009

iii. Problem Statement
How will Mama Bear further capitalize on their current success?

iv. Statement of Objective
To be able to protract the current success of Mama Bear by the last quarter of 2009.

v. Areas of Consideration
1. Advance technologies
2. Customized Services
3. Affiliations
4. Impregnability
5. Loyalty of customers

1. Location
2. Amateurism
3. Contractual employees
4. Passion of baby sitter to child

1. Demand for childcare services
2. Parents aim for their children’s Early Learning.
3. Inadequacy of bread winner to provide for the whole family
4. Fondness of child to baby sitter.
1. Parents search for familiarity for their childcare
2. Low range
3. Early Childhood Centre
4. Emulators
5. Legal obligations
6. Ability of bread winner to provide for the whole family
7. Bigger names in industry
8. Economic Distress

vi. Alternative Courses of Actions
1. Pause/Proceed with Caution
2. Strategic Alliance
3. Divestiture

vii. Analysis of ACA’s
Pause/ Proceed w/ caution
1. Loyalty of customers (S)
2. Parents aim for children’s early learning (O)
3. Customized services (S)
4. Affiliations (S)
5. Impregnability (S)
6. Amateurism (W)
7. Location (W)
1. Bigger names in industry (T)
2. Emulators (T)
3. Increasing No. of workforce from married w/ children (O)
4. Location (W)
5. Passion of baby sitter to child (W)

Strategic Alliance
1. Advanced technologies (S)
2. Affiliations (S)
3. Fondness of child to baby sitter (O)
1. Location (W)
2. Amateurism (W)
3. Contractual Employees (W)
4. Early childhood centre (T)
5. Ability of breadwinner to provide for...

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