Mankind Collectively

Mankind Collectively

Joshua Labrada
MW 12-1:15

Humanity is defined as mankind collectively, the human race. Humanities are academic disciplines which study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytic, critical, or speculative, as distinguished from the mainly empirical approaches of the natural and social sciences(Wikipedia). The study of philosophy, art, law, religion, literature, languages, dating back to all early civilizations such as ancient Rome for example. The difference between the two is clear, humanities is the study of early civilizations and there ways of life while humanity is just the human race. Both are linked on the other hand being that the human race is relative to both. From my knowledge of humanities the most fascinating aspect of it is when the Roman civilization was in control. They were very well organized had a government, well put together but that would come to an end eventually. The gladiators were also part of the Roman Empire, that is the best part for me. There was a lot going on such as the split, which was eastern Rome and western Rome. The more dominant side was the eastern side widely known as the Byzantine Empire. This empire was powerful and remained powerful throughout wars and many other issues. But as said to all great and powerful forces comes the devastating end and collapse of it. This is known as the fall of the Roman Empire, this empire to me is the greatest ever. There is so many other civilizations that are fascinating such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, Aztecs, Maya, Greece, and the Incas. They have gave us so many things to study that it is all just to interesting to see how they ran there civilization. How they thought about life and how things should be, which was all different when you go up the time line into different civilizations. They all had their own way of a government, punishing the people who would act faulty, and a form...

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