Marijuana Legalization

Marijuana Legalization

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized
Cannabis more commonly referred to as marijuana is a type of plant harvested for its extremely strong hemp fibers and for its THC rich buds. Marijuana was first used and discovered around the 3rd millennium. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that is used for medical/recreational use, it is extracted from the bud in many ways such as burning in a pipe, blunt, joint, bong, vaporizer, cooking, hash and bubblers, heat is needed to extract the THC from the rest of the plant. The brain contains a collection of neurons that are sensitive to a neurotransmitter known as anandamide. The active ingredient in marijuana is THC, and this chemical mimics anandamide in the brain. THC can cause a whole lot of neurons to start firing spontaneously which causes the high feeling.
Marijuana should be legalized for a multitude of different reasons the main one being for recreational use. Most proponents to this claim that marijuana is a dangerous “drug”, if this is the truth then why is alcohol legal. According to the CDC in 2005 there were approximately 75,000 people lost their lives in alcohol related accidents, murders, suicides and health problems such as cirrhosis of the liver as well as liver and kidney failure. In 2005 there were zero deaths attributed to the use of cannabis or cannabis related products. If weed is so dangerous then why has no one died from it yet, clearly alcohol is more dangerous yet alcohol is legal.

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