Marijuana Legalzation

Marijuana Legalzation

Marijuana: Legalize It.
Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in todays society. Although many slanderous claims have been made about cannabis in recent history, the societal views are slowly starting to change on the drug based on some resurfaced truths. Unfortunately, these truths are under heavy criticism due to the stereotypical views in the media of the typical “pot smoker.” This perception of a lazy and unmotivated America is the result of over seventy years of propaganda and misinformation. I strongly believe that marijuana should be legalized for all uses due to the economic, health and social benefits the U.S. could gain.

Based on the job deficit in this country since the recession, I think many americans would agree we need a solution to this problem . Marijuana is the solution. If marijuana is legalized, it would create more jobs in the U.S. because we would need to hire people to grow and sell the product. Another economic plus would be that we would not have to spend our tax payers dollars on incarcerating citizens for pot related crimes, which is estimated to be a cost as large as a billion dollars per year in 2007(Alternet). These cost have only gotten higher since then. Legalizing marijuana would also allow us to reintroduce hemp into our society, which would allow more revenue. Hemp can be used in the creation of paper, textiles, fuel, and food. Hemp is a natural renewable resource and also enriches the soil and requires little maintenance, ultimately making it cost effective and environmentally friendly (Hemp Basics). It is also much cheaper to grow and harvest marijuana in comparison to creating and dispensing pharmaceuticals when it comes to medicinal purposes. According to the FDA, in 2004 it cost the U.S. $3.5 billion to produce prescription pills (FDA). For Marijuana “farmers” if they are starting out, the estimated costs range from $1,000 to $3,000 dollars and earn $115,000 or more from their crops yearly (Marijuana...

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