

The ocean satiates my senses and rejuvenates my spirit. It awakens me from my trance, imposed upon me by the insensibility of the world. For me, the ocean has always represented escape, new beginnings, and adventure.
My mind starts to unwind as I sit down in the hot and grainy sand. The many spectacular sights jump at my eyes, and I am able to escape from the stresses of life. Surfers wearing their bright colored suits grab their boards and head for the watery unknown. The turquoise water crashes onto the shore creating a sensual sound. The light colored sailboats disappear into the distance, and I am taken in by the soothing atmosphere that encircles me. I am comforted by the sounds of the ocean; the rhythmic pounding of the waves represses all of my worries. I look into the cloudless cerulean blue sky and see the perfection of life.
As I walk down the shoreline, I can feel the sun’s rays embrace my pale skin. Walking farther down the shore my body gets overwhelmed with cold chills as my feet feel the texture of the grainy, wet sand squishes between my toes. The wind blows softly and tousles hair mixed with the salty sting of ocean spray. At the same time my nose senses the smell of sun block and baby oil. At any other place, this would have annoyed me, but an ocean breeze has a tranquil effect on me.
It’s endless beauties is taken for granted by the average person. However, the ocean can have a tranquil effect on anyone, and it makes me feel extraordinary. That is why it is my most comfortable place in the world. When I am at the ocean I feel heavenly, serene, relaxed, and secure, and for just one moment I feel like I do not have to deal with the world.

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