

What Should Determine A Majority?
“High Profits” on Netflix is an eight-episode series showing a startup business in Colorado just as marijuana for non-medical reasons became legal. A management class had us view a clip from one episode as an example of challenges encounter with each startup business. Although it was not an assignment, I watched all eight episodes and found it to be informative from both the business perceptive and legalizing marijuana. Viewing this made me realize how difficult starting a business can be with issues of communication, product management, and managing employees. Of greater interest is the obstacle of the product itself, legal marijuana. Amazing to me is the fastest-growing industry in America is the legal marijuana, cannabis or weed for medical or non-medical purposes. Individuals can become millionaires as this industry expands. One major obstacle encompasses the legalization at both state and federal levels. I pondered my feelings towards generating millions and working in the industry of legalized weed. Soon after the thought crossed my mind are American’s for legalizing marijuana for pleasure akin to what is allowed in Colorado, Hawaii, Washington and Oregon?
Reviewing past state legislation can assist in determining the views of the American people, in my opinion. Marijuana, also know as cannabis, weed, pot, and grass, is legal for any purpose in three states and Washington DC. An additional twenty states allowing marijuana for medicinal use. Each state once weed is legal determines the rules and regulations for growing and selling the cannabis. Therefore, forty-five percent of the states in America have legal marijuana; I would suggest this means the majority of American are for legal cannabis. However, this contradicted one episode of “High Profits” showing the struggle an owner was having with the local city council, mayor, and other business owners. Location was the concern because members of the...

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