

The Gospel According to Mark
Distinctive Features
Unique details in Mark
Explanations of Hebrew words and customs
5:41 Translations of Aramaic
5:41 Talitha cum; 7:11 Corban; 7:34 Ephphatha; 14:36 Abba
7:3-4 Customs of the Pharisees
Details not in the other Gospels
2:27 Sabbath made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
4:26-27 Parable of seed growing
5:13 2000 demon-possessed pigs drowned
6:3 Jesus is a carpenter and he has sisters.
14:51-52 Fleeing naked man
14:30, 72 Cock crows twice after Peter’s third denial
15:44-45 Centurion confirms Jesus dead before burial

Mark 16:9-20
Ancient Bibles and Mark 16:9-20
350 Sinaiticus, Vaticanus omit
400 Bezae, Washingtonianus include
440-450 Alexandrinus, Ephraimi (+many later) include
Other references to Mark 16:9-20
170 Tatian includes it in his Diatessaron
184 Iranaeus quotes 16:19, saying it was in the end of Mark

Reaction to evidence of manuscripts and early writings
Really mixed bag of evidence – not entirely conclusive
Add that the ending is not exactly unique to Mark
Manuscript evidence is significant, but not cause for outright rejection of the text
Some Content from Mark 16:8-20
Mark 16:8 is an very odd ending of the Gospel.
They went out and fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had gripped them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.
Mark 16:14-16 is another Great Commission.
They are, or have been, reclining at a table.
He says, “He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.”
In Matthew they meet Jesus on a Galilean mountain and the instruction is to make disciples, baptizing and teaching.
In Luke, before going to the ascension, he tells them that repentance and forgiveness should be preached.
In John, in a closed room, Jesus says, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”

The Gospel According to Luke
Chapters 1-6
Luke: The Birth of Jesus

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