

My name is William
My name is liana
This is how Marlyn Monroe changed history

Part 1
· Burm Burm Burm we need our men to fight in the war world two for us to defend ae freedom.
· sure thing boss let me get FDR to sign the selective training and service Act of 1940 and you will have plenty of men
· (Liana swiches right then and there to FDR and i give paper she signs with a smile)
· As the men are going to war who else were suppose to support the women? That is why many women were- and are today as well- mail laddies, working in the industies, harvesting crops, and much much more while the men were gone. (Will is in back round doing what liana is saying) however when the men came back from the war many expected their wives to be prim and proper and to go back to the kitchen and be subordinate to the mans every demand and they did just that for a few years until...
· ME!!! I marlyn Monroe in 1949 turned the head of many people because i was photographed in theTom Kelley's "Red Velvet" Calendar shot which expossed various parts of my figure, which during that time period was frowned upon, but i wasent ashamed of such a thing i held my head high and stired up those stale social morays of the time.
· This stunt the Ms. Monroe pulled here did indeed change the nation's veiws of womens sexuality.Marilyn was a rare woman- she could seduce and entice men, yet still seem suitable to bring home to mother. She could endear herself to women without them feeling threatened. Most importantly, she showed the world that you could be a sexual being, you could be aware of and even revel in your own body without being slutty.
· do you love my dress i think it just looks absolutly wonderful! He is right i didnt dress slutty, i more so dressed with class to look sexy to show a little more skin than that of Dior's style put us american women out to be. You can be sexual without being immodest, you can still please you husband at night and still be a proper society woman...