

  • Submitted By: yyxyz
  • Date Submitted: 01/04/2009 12:12 AM
  • Category: Book Reports
  • Words: 708
  • Page: 3
  • Views: 398

The Martin
Jake London

The Martin Iraq ascends is a soon reach 21 year-old sailor, as a result of an accidental opportunity, he has known Luo silk, falls in love to her, and to her family, her life all envies to extremely
马丁住在姐姐家里,从罗丝家回来后,他看什么都不顺眼了,觉得姐姐家里是那么肮脏、庸俗、无聊,而往日的同伴也使他感到不耐烦。他开始觉得自己姌罗斯之间存在着巨大的差距,为了使自己能配得上她,他必须努力往上爬。Martin lives in the elder sister family, comes back after Luo Sijia, he looked anything not pleasing to the eyes, thought in the elder sister family is that dirty, vulgar, is bored, but the former days companion also made him to feel impatient. He starts to think oneself and between Ross has the huge disparity, in order to enable oneself to match on her, he must upward crawl diligently. 罗丝为马丁的上进愿望所扢动,帮助他学习写作,马丁在自学中觉得自己对这个世界的理解姌表达水平都在提高。
Luo Siwei Martin progresses the desire to move, helps him to study writing, Martin in studying independently thought oneself all is enhancing to this world understanding and the expression level.
Martin writes 40 drafts unceasingly circle throughout in various magazine company, he did not understand own work aren't accepted why, but these have a liking for the spiritless thing always to be able to publish in the publication. He looks for the Luo silk, reads own work to her, asks her to judge. The Luo silk does not appreciate his work, thinks boorishly, but she the formidable strength which is manifested by the work moves.
After repeatedly was defeated Martin still to persist to write, his this kind of manner and impoverished caused him and Ross has the fissure, the Luo silk has lost confidence gradually to him, but Martin also caused her to her side upper society people's attack to dislike but is heavyhearted....

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