Marylin Monroe

Marylin Monroe

Setting: I was sleeping and I had a dream, and my dream was about how I got raped twice. I wake up and I am scared and I can’t go back to sleep so I talk to myself about my experience.

I wake up being scared(I take a pause and breath) I had a scary dream nevermind I wouldn’t call it scary I would call it haunting. I don’t know why im saying this, its so stupid im talking to myself, im really a freak(laugh). I feel like nobody has gone through this shit!! How do I EXPLAIN THIS…, how do I explain being Raped at the age of 9. WHYY would they want too??(looking confused). When I was 9 I was the ugliest girl. I really am not a confident person. Im very shy and I really don’t enjoy talking about my issues, but im starting to let it out so let it be. Im really not enjoying this SHITT at all. BREATHH, BREATHHH. OKAYY I CAN DO THIS!!! Let me start over. My name is Marylin Monroe, I used to live in California but im in an orphanage. My mom cant take care of me, she cant even take care of herself. I always had a feeling she never cared about me, you know but I dealt with her bulshit. When my mom couldn’t take care of me these fucking social services took me to an orphanage. LIKE I REALLY BELONG THERE??. I was only their for a couple of days until my moms closest friend came to get me. She officially became my guardian(woo-hoo) am I actually suppose to be happy?? I don’t know im just so confused. I don’t fucking understand the difference between life and reality. Well I lived with her not for THATT LONG. When Grace got married I was sent to the orphanage. Two fucking years later Grace came to get me. When I got molested by Grace husband, hes such a dushbag, well when she found out she sent me to live with my aunt. I was never really close with her, but I would rather live in her house rather then a fucking orphanage. Well his son assaulted me, I have no reason why he did that but he did. And I had to live with these two HORRIBLE MEMORIES, IN MY HEAD. I WISH I CAN ERASE IT...

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