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Government of Grenada STRATEGIC PLAN for EDUCATIONAL ENHANCEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 2006 - 2015 ◄ SPEED II► Volume 1: The Strategic Framework


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Question 2
a) List four (4) types of text structures that are common to content area textbooks.
b) Explain three (3) difficulties that students usually encounter hen learning ith expository text at the upper primary or secondary level.
c) Describe one (1) activity to show a step by step procedure of how you would develop students' awareness of the text structures listed in (a) above.
d) For each text structure in (a) above, design a graphic organizer that you will use to facilitate students' understanding of content related to a topic of your choice.

a) Four types of text structures that are common to content area textbooks are:
1) Cause and Effect.
2) Comparison and Contrast.
3) Sequence/Time Order/Chronology/Ordering.
4) Description/Listing/Enumeration.

b) Three (3) difficulties that students usually encounter hen learning with expository text at the upper primary or secondary level.
- Being unable to identify what text pattern it is.
- As a result they are not able to structure their writing.
- It may not interest them.

c) One (1) activity to show a step by step procedure of how you would develop students' awareness of the text structures listed in (a) above are as follows:
• Step...