Media Influences on Children, Ece

Media Influences on Children, Ece

Media Influences on Children
Early Childhood Education
CDI College
Tuesday, February 09th 2010


Why is media-influence an important issue in early childhood? According to the online
article How The Media Influences Children, they say: at an early age books, movies, television, and
the Internet influence how our children think and act in a variety of ways.1 Although books,
movies, television and the Internet can provide entertainment which is fun and all, the same forms
of media can bring vast amounts of knowledge. Just like some games can be boring while others
are fun to play, some pieces of information, or knowledge, can be interesting while others may
come across as mundane.
With some of the older youth today, doing research to gain knowledge may seem as a
chore that only needs to be done for homework. For some other teenagers, gaining knowledge
about their favourite musicians or other similar role models is more fun than learning the roots of
music itself even though it’s a form of entertainment they use practically on a daily basis through
their iPods, cellphones or other types of mp3 players. To prevent that attitude from budding, the
key for educators and parents alike is to show at an early age, why it is important, but also
engaging, to gain knowledge about everything around them. Not only can knowledge help us
understand the world around us, it can also help us better connect with people, animals, ideas and
inanimate objects around us. Knowledge may bring respect which may help teenagers to take care
of the things around them.
According to Wikipedia, India has one of the oldest musical traditions in the world.2 That
example could inspire teenagers to learn more about India. And while doing their research, they
could have answered questions they previously had about India but just weren’t motivated to
answer them themselves and further research could spark other interests as well....

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