Medical Practice

Medical Practice


Are we, the United States of America over medicated? What is the purpose behind the high cost of medications and prescriptions? These are just a few of many questions that come to the mind when you think of prescriptions and medications. I personally believe that we in America are over medicated there are too many of the same products, just with a different name brand, that have the same exact affect. I understand there are allergies but that is when you use a different medication. Sometimes medications make symptoms a lot worse. I think a lot of doctors try to cure people by drugs rather then what is really needed like, therapy or sleep or healthy diets, simple stuff.
I can’t even begin to explain my experience with medications growing up I was diagnosed with everything and anything possible so they gave me prescriptions and from my personal experience every prescription caused a different effect then what was the desired effect. In all reality all I need were friends that supported me I needed my own social group that could help me through my hard times when I was younger. Thus, when I became older I decided that enough was enough and the only medications I would take were those that would save my life or help with extreme pain like for my c-sections.
I can merely remember hearing from one of my doctors, whom I don’t remember which one, that the more you take of the same medication the less effective it starts to be. Because your body is becoming immune to it therefore it does not work to cure your body for whatever purpose that prescription needs to. If this was told to everyone I think a lot less medications would be made. Therefore prices for the medications would go down a whole lot because the company would be selling more of their product rather than competing against other companies. This is just my opinion whether or not others think the same I think a lot can be saved by minimizing the amount of...

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