medie review

medie review

Media review

Grade 12 portfolio task


Kirstin Cozens


The following is a business studies film review based on the film “Jobs” by Matt Whiterley.
The film is a 2013 American biographical drama film; the film is based on the truly amazing life of Steve Jobs, who was a student at Reed College. The film is directed by Joshua Michael Stern, written by Matt Whiteley, and produced by Mark Hulme. The film has two cinematographers: Russell Carpenter for scenes shot in the United States and Aseem Bajaj for scenes shot in India.
The role of Steve Jobs is played by the well-known Ashton Kutcher, with Josh Gad as Apple Computer's (now Apple Inc.) co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Brief summary:
Steve had dropped out due to the high expense of tuition, but was still attending classes with the approval and acceptance of Dean Jack Dudman who grasped him under his wing.
Steve starts working for Atari and develops a partnership with his friend Steve Wozniak after he sees that Wozniak has built a personal computer. Steve asks his mechanic father Paul for permission to use the family garage for his new company. After many failed attempts by Jobs to gain venture capital, Mike Markkula invests in the company which allows them to move forward.
Soon success causes Jobs to begin distancing himself from old friends and his high school girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan whom he breaks up with after she tells him that she is pregnant with their child. Steve’s behavior becomes erratic, which leads to Steve being forced out of the company by Sculley in 1985.
In 1996 after starting his own company Next, he is asked by then-CEO Gil Amelio to return to Apple as a consultant and is soon he is named the new CEO.

Assessment of Entrepreneurial success and career choices:

Steve Jobs is classified as an entrepreneur, one with extremely innovative and successful ideas. He was an American entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor, who...

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