Meet the detectives

Meet the detectives

Meet the Detectives
We got a call at are Family Detective
business. It’s been running for years but is going
downhill. This call was our last chance for the
business to stay up and running. The call was about
a dangerous hacker. We don’t know how he does it
but he does. He hackes traffic lights and cars, yeah
cars, he can control them! We don’t have a name
but we have a location. So after we got this call we
needed help. Well I and my partner did. His name is
Joseph and mine is Josh.
We needed help so we called the LAPD to come
with us to his last known location. We want to
investigate what he left behind and use it to maybe
find him and put him away. Josh said he thinks that
if they get the computer chip from the cameras we
can find were he went. So that’s exactly what we
did. We found each of the seven cameras hidden
around his warehouse. He might be good at hacking
but not so good at hiding his secrets. So we took the

cameras back to lab so they could get the chips
from the cameras. After a few days we got a call
about the cameras and it sounded like they got it.
So we headed to find out what they got and it
looked like they found out that he moved to an
abandoned ice factory a few blocks away. We don’t
know why he moved, and then suddenly we got
calls coming in rapidly, never ending, about an
explosion near the warehouse we investigated. He
must have knew we were going there. The
destruction went half way down the street and into
the water. It would takes weeks to clean. There
were no casualties but still, now we needed to find
this punk. We were going to give him a taste of his
own medicine. We always had a computer guy but
he wasn’t just a normal guy he had the same power
as the criminal. So we hacked into his cameras and
we knew he was there. Then we got swat vans in
front of every door so when he opened them he
was surrounded. After that we had police cars
blocking off the street. An now it’s go time. We

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