Men For Others

Men For Others

Glynnis Irene B. Gonzales


Dr. Manuel Dy

MEN FOR OTHERS by Pedro Arrupe S.J.

Live Simply
The address by Fr. Arrupe was quite radical but not impossible. It can be done. In our own
simple ways even at work, when we wan or strive to become men and women for others, it will just be a
matter of habit and practice. For example in my current work where I can say, it is quite well
compensated being a multinational company compared to the local companies. Even at the lowest
level/position I can say that it is above minimum and not meager. I can observe the company culture
compared to the previous local company I worked for. I can see that they are quite more lavish and
attentive to material possessions and comforts. It s a sad truth. There is much dehumanization in the
advancement and economic growth.
To me living simply is to be within means where personal social responsibility is not being
sacrificed. Not to be egoistic of personal wants and comforts. At work, living simply means using the
resources properly. This means not having to catch up with any material upgrades that have become
social necessities of the work environment. It means of simpler ways and not being wasteful even to the
use of electricity and water. It means wanting much of what we need in order to be able to do our work
every day effectively. There s not much need of 24/ 7 connectivity just for others to know you re
connected all the time. There s that much need to see beyond the screens we face every day. There is so
much life around us to see, feel and immerse in aside from the busy work screens and calls we need to
attend to.
Not to Profit from Unjust Sources
In the work environment that I have where we handle mainly cash flows of projects and
contractor billings and variations. There can be pretty much dirty sources on plain sight. Being in such a
job though the work is manageable. The external players can get quite unruly. Disputes and...

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