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Running Head: Latino Culture

Latino Culture In America

This research focuses on the Latino Community and the dynamics of Cultural aspects surrounding this population. The U.S. Census Bureau projects one in every four U.S. residents will be of Latino origin by the year 2050. This research paper examines the rapid increase of Latinos in the U.S., diversity of Latino culture, difficulties that Latinos face in the United States, cultural considerations, familismo and personalismo. Each dynamics places emphasis on strengths and weaknesses with this population.

Who are Latinos?
In the United States, there seems to be confusion when differentiating between the terms “Latino” and “Hispanic”. In fact, prior to the year 2000, the United States Census Bureau did not include the term Latino. Beginning in the year 2000, the U.S. Census Bureau identified people from both of these groups as “Hispanic or Latino of any race”. According to Granados(2000), based on a survey of 1200 registered Latino voters, people who prefer the term Hispanic are more conservative and young, while those that prefer the term Latino tend to be more liberal and older. The difference between the two terms depends on personal differences and preferences. For purposes of this paper, the term Latino will be used broadly to include all individuals that are characterized by the U.S Census Bureau as “Hispanic or Latino of any race. Knowing the Population
Latinos originate from more than 20 different countries, speak different dialects of Spanish, and have varying socio- cultural backgrounds (Rolon, 2005). Latinos often come to the United States for many reasons, including social or political instability, violence, and lack of jobs in their countries...

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