Mental Status Examination

Mental Status Examination

  • Submitted By: unknown2
  • Date Submitted: 01/07/2009 4:25 AM
  • Category: Science
  • Words: 1272
  • Page: 6
  • Views: 720

The Mental Status Examination

According to Keltner (2007), the MSE has a number of categories which help organizes the information gained during a patient assessment including:

General Appearance: Type, condition and appropriateness of clothing (for age, season, setting), grooming, cleanliness, physical condition and posture

Behaviors during the interview: Degree of cooperation, resistance, or evasiveness

Social skills: Friendliness, shyness, or withdrawal

Amount and type of motor activity: Psychomotor agitation or retardation, restlessness, tics, tremors, hypervigilance, or lack of activity.

Speech patterns: Amount, rate, volume, tone, pressure, mutism, slurring, or stuttering.

Degree of concentration and attention span

Orientation: To time place, person, and level of consciousness

Memory: Immediate recall, recent, remote, amnesia, and confabulation

Intellectual functioning: Educational level, use of language and knowledge, abstract versus concrete thinking (proverbs), and calculation (serial events)

Affect: Labile: blunted, flat, incongruent, inappropriate effect.

Mood: Specific moods expressed or observed- euphoria, depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, or fear.

Thought clarity: Coherence, confusion, or vagueness

Thought content: Helplessness, hopelessness, worthlessness, suicidal thoughts, or homicidal thoughts or plans, suspiciousness, phobias, obsessions, compulsions, preoccupation, denial, hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile) or delusions ( influence, persecution, grandeur, religious, nihilistic, somatic)

Thought processes reflected in speech: Ambivalence, circumstantiality, flight of ideas, neologism, word salad)

Insight: Degree of awareness of illness, behaviors, problems, and their causes

Judgment: Soundness of problem, solving and decisions

Motivation: Degree of motivation of treatment

Give specific examples of each term to demonstrate your understanding. (i.e. what...

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