Mexican-Americans and Racism

Mexican-Americans and Racism

Through out the history of America we have had problems with racism across the nation. It has affected Americans of all nationalities but as of lately it has mainly affected Mexican-Americans. We have had a couple of wars to fight these issues, the “US-Mexican war from 1846-1848 was a defining event both nations, transforming a continent and forging a new identity for its people. By the war’s end, Mexico lost nearly half of its territory, present day American southwest from Texas to California, and the United states became a continental power” (Overview, par 1). Over the past couple of decades the Mexican-American population has risen dramatically, due to the poor quality of pay they receive from their jobs in Mexico. Not only do they not get paid very much their unemployment rate is fifty percent. They come to America looking for jobs that pay well; this means that they will sometimes take illegal jobs that will pay them less then minimum wage simply because the pay is better than back home. They take the lowest jobs at the lowest wage because they do not have anywhere else to turn. As one illegal immigrant stated “I work at a pizza restaurant, and I work twice as hard as the Americans there, for half of the money” (Illegal Immigrants, par1). As Mexicans start entering the United States more and more, new laws will be passed and new racist views will be established among Americans born and raised here in the states, with the Mexicans looking on in confusion.
Mexicans are treated badly in the United States because they are willing to take our menial jobs and make a living out of them. They are some of the hardest working people in this country and they are treated worse then the homeless. It is hard for Mexicans to start of new life here in the states, they have to worry about being deported back to whence they came if they are illegal immigrants and it is hard to have an identity if they have no social security number or license. A lot of...

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