

Gabriel Narvaez
Corc Online Midterm

2. Odyssey
Owl-vision Athena answered,
[315] “Do not try to keep me, for I would be on my way at once. As for any present you may be disposed to make me, keep it till I come again, and I will take it home with me. You shall give me a very good one, and I will give you one of no less value in return.” With these words she flew away
A major theme in The Odyssey is the power of disguise. Whether the disguise is used for good or evil, it is very apparent. Athena always played the role of a guardian angel for Odysseus and Telemachos. Athena is someone I would consider a “master of disguise” most of the time when she protects Odysseus. An example of her protection is the scene where Poseidon is having his way with Odysseus at sea. "Now it was the turn of Athenaia the daughter of Zeus, and this was her plan.  She tied up the courses of all the other winds, and commanded them to rest and be quiet; but she sent a steady wind from the north and broke down the
waves in front of Odysseus, that he might make his way and save himself
alive." (Homer 70) This quote ties in with the quote provided to us because both quotes show Athena’s true character and brings up the idea of outsmarting, and again the theme of the power of disguise. As far as Athena being a guardian angel for Odysseus we see that she likes to be there for him, but allow him to fight and fend for himself. "Odysseus awoke.  He lay on his native soil, and knew it not, since he had been long absent. For Pallas Athena herself, that divine daughter of Zeus, had covered the place with mist, that she might tell him everything first and disguise him. She wished that his wife and friends might no know him until he had punished
the wooers of his wife for their outrageous violence." (Homer 152) This quote provides proof of the reoccurring theme of the power of disguise and shows that Athena will always help Odysseus, but never do for him, which is the most important part....