Mission Accomplishment

Mission Accomplishment

LCpl Fox
Mission accomplishment, as defined is the successful completion of one’s set task or mission. This is accomplished through discipline, initiative, planning, proficiency, and execution, and the mission of the Marine Corps is in fact Mission Accomplishment and Troop Welfare While some missions are not exactly meant to be accomplished they are utilized as a training aid for an individual as a test of initiative, skill, or resourcefulness, however, most missions delegated within the Marine Corps are done so with the full expectation of its accomplishment or at least the initiative and execution behind the mission. While some if not most are meant for immediate execution and successful conclusion others require a more time tested approach to their ends. The importance of mission accomplishment is highly crucial to the Marine Corps as most missions delegated effect the readiness or success of the unit or individual tasked with such a mission. . One such example would be the defense of a Forward Operations/Observations Base/Post (FBO/FOP). If a FOB established in real estate of strategic high value due to it observational or operational ability or flexibility it would be crucial for the Marines, soldiers, and Sailors there to defend this area as it could determine the success of future campaigns within the region, or Area of Operation. Another such mission of high importance of accomplishment may be the seizure of an enemy Air Field to reduce an enemy’s operational capacity of air assets and further degrade air superiority

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